Special People in the Story of Archbishop Sheen

El Paso cousins of Bishop Sheen sharing with author
Greg Ladd. Left to right -- Michael Cleary, Merle Fulton, and Delores

Thomas Reeves authored the book "America's Bishop".
His personal friendship and gifting to the Communication Room will long be
remembered. Mr. Reeves gave of himself to lecture at Notre Dame formerly
Spaulding H.S. after the book's publication and the teachers institute of
Catholic Teachers. The Communication Room was honored to arrange the

The Fulton Sheen Centre communicated with Sioe Hadinotogrom from Jakarta
Indonesia in North Carolina. Permission was received from the Foundation
(Fr. Apostoli) to have Bishop Sheen prayer cards translated into

The unveiling of Bishop Fulton Sheen's most recent painting by his Indiana

In loving memory of Lorraine Fulte, mother of Karen Fulte, director of the
Sheen Centre. The above basket was prepared for Cardinal George of
Chicago. Angels escorted Lorraine home to heaven at 5:30 pm on Dec. 9,
2004. Memorial mass had concluded at St. Mary's of El Paso, IL, Bishop
Sheen's baptismal site at the same time.

Jane Haas Hunt at the crypt of Bishop
Sheen in St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City.

Left: Robert Schuller - Founder of the Crystal Cathedral
Right: Life sized statue of Bishop Sheen graces the grounds of Crystal
Cathedral at Garden Grove California
Dr. Robert H. Schuller said of Sheen "I consider Fulton Sheen to be the
brightest, the most brilliant, and the most beautiful Christian in mind
and heart that I have known in the 20th Century. No one inspired me more
than Fulton Sheen to use television to reach the unbelieving word for

Left: Roger Hallingstadt, father of Jon Hallingstadt editor of "Your Life
is Worth Living"
Right: Illinois State Representative Dan Brady talks with Marlene Faulk
(Holy Hour Leader) and
Abbot Roger Corpus of St. Mary's Church -- El Paso, IL.

Illinois Museums -- Yes!
Curator/Director Christi McKinley (second from left) consulted with the
Centre's volunteers Julie Bradbury, Jane Hunt and pilgrim Mike Gannon.

Fr. Andrew Apostoli of EWTN and FJS Foundation with Dennis Schreck
Co-owner of the El Paso Depot (and whose birthday, May 8, is the same as
Bishop Sheen.